Safety and First Aid Information


Safety and Security Personnel

Our security folks wear red armbands and carry a sidearm for wildlife protection. If you encounter a Bear or ANY unknown wildlife sign such as; tracks, fur, or etc. Please bring it to their attention ASAP.

Any issues regarding site or property rules may also be brought to security or PCC Staff.

They are here to Help!


Fire Tribe AKfire1

ALL Fire and Burn Safety for the PCC and The Land in Willow is a large part of the volunteer work that the folks of Fire Tribe AK do for our greater community.

Fire Tenders wear red suspenders, work boots, and sometimes carry fire gloves or big sticks.

Any safety concerns regarding fire see a Tender!


First Aid care and Personnel

During Special Events and Gatherings we have first aid certified folks located at the Sanctuary.

You can tell them apart from the tree folks by the Red Cross and white armbands.

They will handle any of your bumps, scrapes, and act as our first responders in the case of any unfortunate occurrences during your stay on The Land.



Safe Blessings,
PCC Staff elves